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Biodynamic viticulture

The terminology regarding biodynamic agriculture is unknown by the public who are not specialised in this area. The basis of the movement began with the spiritual science of the philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). The same man who implemented the model of the prestigious Waldorf schools also implemented the basis for establishing a relationship between man and the earth.

For Steiner, the earth was a living organism which should be maintained in a vital and fertile state as naturally as possible.

At the beginning of the 20th Century, groups of farmers had appeared in different areas of Europe who were disquieted by the degeneration of the earth’s fertility and the nutritional quality of the food cultivated there. Based on these concerns, Steiner organized workshops in Koberwitz (Czech Republic) where the route began towards a new relationship between man and the earth, treating all living things with respect and relating all the spiritual and vital aspects of each plant to the earth from which it grew.

Loxarel is part of TerraDinàmica, the only association of biodynamic farming Catalonia legalized since 2008 that promotes, encourages and develops the use of this technique for growing produce.

Authentic Tradition

Biodynamic agriculture incorporated different rotations of crops carefully thought out and suited to the climate, the mechanical control of weeds, the control of disease through minerals and other plants and the use of manure as a natural fertiliser.

The influence of the moon

In the same way that we recognize the influence of the moon on the tides, the influence of the lunar cycles on the earth is clear. The vitality of the plants increases with the crescent moon, and it drops with the new moon. The activity of the aerial part of the plant increases with the waxing moon, while with the waning moon the activity of the plant focuses on the roots. The biodynamic agriculture is guided by the position of the moon in front of each of the twelve constellations, before and at the time of working on the vineyards or in the cellar.

Waxing moon

As we near the full moon, the plants vitality increases. The vine has more strength to fight against plagues and diseases, and the obtained grapes give more vitality to the wines. During the waxing moon the compost warms up easily and the preparations usually have a better quality.

We know that the moon is in the waxing phase because the illuminated part draws a semicircle in the shape of a D. The waxing moon ends with the full moon.

Waning moon

When the light of the moon diminishes, it also decreases the vitality of the plants, and their colors, fragrances and taste are more intense, more noticeable. The dietetic and medical properties of the grapes are more powerful, but it is more difficult to preserve the freshness of the freshly harvested grape. The waning moon period is good for bottling. And in the vineyard, the natural treatments to control plagues are more efficient.

We know that the moon is in the waning phase because the illuminated part draws a semicircle in the shape of a C. The waning moon ends with the new moon.

Ascending moon

When the moon is in its ascending phase, the activity of the vine is focused on the aerial part, the part we can see above the soil. It is the proper time to implant or to harvest, but it is not advisable to prune during this phase.

We know that the moon is in the ascending phase when observing it for two consecutive days, as it goes over the same vertical point, we can affirm that the moon is higher the second day than the first.

Descending moon

When the moon is in its descending phase, the activity of the plant focuses on the roots. It is a proper time to prune the vines, to cultivate or spreading compost.

We know that the moon is in the descending phase when observing it for two consecutive days, as it goes over the same vertical point, we can affirm that the moon is lower the second day than the first.

Biodynamic calendar

The biodynamic calendar is mainly guided by the moon in front of the constellations. This position determines if the day is a fruit day, root day, flower day or leaf day. And this settles the work that has to be done from the vineyard or the cellar.


fruitA fruit day is when the moon is in the fire constellation (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius). In this moment, plant activity is centred on the elaboration of the fruit. The wine strengthens the fruit and derived aromas through the careful elaboration designed to obtain a perfect adaptation of the variety with the territory.


arrelA root day is when the moon is in the earth constellation (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). The plant prioritise the roots and the wines are noted for the shades of tannin and the particular character of each variety adapted to the specific type of soil (the mineral quality).


florA flower day is when the moon is in the air constellation (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius). The flowers take priority and the wine strengthens the floral notes, which are intensely expressed.


fullaA leaf day is when the moon is in the water constellation (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces). The plant gives priority to the leaf activity. The wine takes on vegetation and herb aromas, important for white wines, but not notable in red wines.